pdf readings ENGL344 Young Adult Literature
Need to be in touch with me?
LEE TORDA 310 Tillinghast Hall Bridgewater State University 508.531.2436 [email protected] www.leetorda.com |
Summer 2018 Office Hours:
face-to-face by appointment, email me to arrange a meeting time and place. ONLINE: Thursday9:00 AM TO NOON |
13 July 2018
Louise Rosenblatt’s chapter from Literature as Exploration
Louise Rosenblatt’s chapter from Literature as Exploration
louise_rosenblatt.pdf |
17 July 2018
A Case for the Autistic Perspective in Young Adult Literature
A Case for the Autistic Perspective in Young Adult Literature
a_case_for_the_autistic_perspective.pdf |
Selection on Reader-Response theory from Wolfgang Iser
wolfgang_iser.pdf |
Here is a template .ppt file you can use to do your Pecha Kucha:
pecha.kucha.pptx |
If you want to re-watch my pecha kucha on Iser, have at it:
pecha.kucha.sample.torda..pptx |
Here is a copy of the instructions on how to record your Pecha Kucha that I passed out in class:
how_to_record_your_pecha_kucha.docx |
24 July 2018
unconditionally_and_irrevocably.pdf |
27 July 2018
graphic_texts.secondary_classroom.pdf |
adventures_with_text_and_beyond.pdf |
31 July 2018
social_justice.yalit.pdf |
3 August 2018
reading_democracy.yalit.pdf |
7 August 2018
codes_silences_and_homophobia_yalit.pdf |